About Us...
Based in Cornwall, Budding Nature CIC provides opportunities to connect with the natural environment via enjoyable, high quality natural history and environmental education and training for individuals, groups and families of all ages and levels of learning - from complete novices to seasoned workers seeking specialist knowledge. Our aim is to increase awareness and understanding of the natural world and to equip people with the knowledge and skills to participate in its protection.
Our Objectives...
To increase opportunities for public engagement with the natural world and empower communities to manage and improve local biodiversity.
To improve the wildlife identification skills of the public, provide training to higher levels of identification expertise, and to actively promote and support the practice of biological recording.
To proactively develop and support opportunities for people across the neurodiversity spectrum, and those with mental health challenges, physical disabilities or mobility challenges, to engage with the natural world.
To increase public awareness and understanding of the importance of ecological interactions and natural systems to the healthy functioning of the planet and to human wellbeing, and of the impact of the public’s daily activities on those interactions and systems.
To promote the role of the natural world in maintaining and improving human health and wellbeing.
To develop, support and promote partnerships and mutual support mechanisms with organisations who have similar objectives to our own, and to work constructively with those organisations.